Well well, stranger things happen at sea. But on this early February weekend, to coincide with and celebrate the release of “Be The One” as the second single from debut E.P. “Remote”, this particular Project became more than a remote collaboration.
First up: Jon, Ben and Ol managed to get a room! Thanks to the The Groove Rooms in the heart of the Cheshire countryside for hosting their first attempts in approximately 7.5 years to:
- Play the right notes
- In the right order
- In the same room
- At the same time

Sadly June wasn’t available to witness or join in this momentous event, but, even more amazingly, the Sunday saw the band actually becoming a band in one sense – with all 4 meeting up together for the first time.
Plots were plotted and plans were planned, BUT it’s still true that all of The Goodstock Project haven’t played a note together, at the same time!
Oh and we have it on very good authority that there’s some intriguing new material coming very soon, which is “a bit different for us and just great fun”. Watch this space.