Good Stock Records is absolutely chipper to be getting physical once again, with a public offering. A truly excellent Double A Side 7″ single, on clear vinyl, lathe cut in very very small quantities.

Featuring the first 2 singles from the Don’t ARgue EP, with Birch handling vocals, You’ve Not Got Me and My Fine Derangement.

These are usually cut only as keepsakes for the band, but we able to offer very very limited quantities from this very first run for sale via The Fods’ Bandcamp store.

If anyone has any qualms about lathe cut short-run records – FEAR NOT – this cutting sounds FANTASTIC as we are having it cut by the best in the land. Our test cut blew us away so much we thought they needed to be seen and heard outside of our band keepsakes.

Supplied in a black cover, printed labels, shipping in Mid August 2024. Get yourself a copy from our first (usually) band-only cutting run!

Release Details

  • Cat No: GSUK011
  • Tracks: You’ve Not Got Me / My Fine Derangement
  • Shipping: September 2024
  • Buy: The Fods on Bandcamp
